Limestone County, 6:57PM, 04/30/22
Blessings in life come in unexpected ways; due to the fortuitious placement of aforementioned dubble-wide in a last-century cottonfield, I have the remarkable ability to core punch from my back porch. While tracking this really classic little warned cell to the south, I took several quick photos for reference and whisked them off to the National Weather Service. Of course, there was nothing really unusual in these shots, but it still is a thunderhead warned for 2+” plus hail and I like to think I am contributing to the ever-burgeoning workload of meteorologists by sending them pictures of clouds.
While perusing my phone for the best shot, I found this nice photo, and tried to clean the screen several times to clear away a spot. But it is not a spot…
it is a happy little dragonfly.
Now, I am not one to criticise the dragonfly for photobombing my thunderhead. If anything, the dragonfly adds to this composition, if I only have eyes to see. After all, what could be nicer on a lovely spring evening than a Dragonfly thunderstorm?
In this bucolic fantasy, one would hope the Dragonfly has no cares; hovering above the prairie parsleys and pink evening primroses, it should want nothing more than a delicious mosquito or two and perhaps a dip in the pond. All is right in the Dragonfly’s world…
but in the distance, a storm is brewing.
Will it make any difference to the Dragonfly if it knew the storm was coming? Would it change the Dragonfly’s life if it could prepare for the coming devastation? Or would this knowledge just ruin this beautiful moment of a Free Creation soaring above the greening prairie on the wisping breeze?
That question can only be answered by the Dragonfly.