REDEEMING ROMANCE: Saving the Heart of Humanity through Great Romance
Men and Women need Romance - just like we need each other.
We have to redeem Romance.
Romance isn't porn, it's an integral social interaction of sexual, spiritual and intellectual tension that spans eras, sexes and cultures. It is the difference between Love and Sex...
“But Men don’t read Romance”… The Powers That Be protest. This is an abject lie; read any fanfic ‘ship’ written about John and Cortana from Halo to discover the truth - Men are starving for Romance.
Men have longed for Romance since the beginning - but they do NOT want what has been packaged now as 'Romance'. Those who despise humanity have vilified and degraded Romance until it has become unrecognisable...
it's time to redeem Romance.
WIP: Illustration for WATCHER of the DAMNED: CABALLEROS del CAMINO
I love the romance between Saul and Rose. It's very realistic, with him, the sociopath, wanting real love, and her being what I'd call a hostess, equating romance with gifts given and the strange things Asura does to entertain guests.
I think she wants to love Saul, but she also wants to pull her weight. Saul, however, considers himself her sword and shield. It gets them into some amusing situations.
I don't know if you can really undo what the Female Gooning Epidemic has done.