This had all the flavor of a 1947 classic movie monologue! Love it!

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I might be older and more decrepit than I used to be, but I can still whistle Dixie and drill the lads a bit.


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Jan 25Liked by R. H. Snow

Total support from someone living behind enemy lines in WA state through the summer. (we will bail for our home in FL sooner if things get hot)

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Thank you Bill! Extraordinary times call for extraordinary Courage ⭐️

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“You tell me our Union is set in stone, that I can't make it without you, that I'll fail at everything. You call me horrible names, tell me how much you hate me, accuse me of being unfaithful and even criminal. You remind me of every mistake I've made, and even though I've changed, you say I can never be forgiven -” Sounds like words stolen from my ex-husband’s lips. 😔 And now it's country-wide.

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Experience is a bitter memory - but safety and space to grieve can help us heal. We must free ourselves from the abusive things in our lives -

at any scale, abuse is Tyranny.

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I wish I could tap that heart a hundred times.

As a fellow Texan, I've felt the same way, a lot longer.

Washington DC doesn't care about us, but at the same time, they want to chain us to the wall.

We can be so much more. We could provide the world with 200 years of oil and gas.

We could put man back on the moon, we could feed the world.

But the serial abuser hates us so much that he won't let us go free.

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feed the world...or 200 years of oil & gas. at first i thought they were mutually exclusive, and then i got the joke. 200 years of oil and gas, there won't be many left to feed before you're halfway there.

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You can't even keep the lights on if you get a little storm. I'm all in favor, don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out, and I can speak for most Americans, we just pretended to love you, when you weren't in the room, we were making fun of your inability to do much of anything other than brag about how great you are. And how much you did that? Compensating for something? Probably that deep down you know you aren't pretty, you aren't smart, and all that perfume you used to cover up your stench? Yeah, that bugged the hell out of us. You wouldn't need to use so much if you didn't smell like a bloated, rotten corpse.

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Mar 20, 2023·edited Mar 20, 2023Author

Your Hate is palpable. You have proven my point, which is why I liked your comment, and am preserving it for all time...

You would hate us no matter what. We are better off dead than being with you. I am praying you find peace and can at last let go of the hate when we are gone.

This isn't a marriage, it's a hostage situation.

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FWIW, I was flowing in the same style as you, seemed appropriate to respond in kind

and if ya'll are that unhappy, go. I don't want to be attached to someone that doesn't value me, nor should they be attached to me if they don't have the same values as me.

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Mar 20, 2023·edited Mar 20, 2023Author

Perfection!! This might be a great addition to the youtube channel as a dramatic reading...

it truly is a life lesson. Your words hit home; this is a personal letter for so many people, not just a political one. Sometimes we are attached to a situation that changes; loyalty is good, but we must learn to let go when we change for the worse. We must never let ourselves become what we hate.

Be you, Steve. You deserve it. I don't want you to hate us because you want something different for yourself - and I don't want to hate you, either. I am glad you commented. We need to be able to talk about these things.

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Damned straight. I didn't hate you for writing what we both have been thinking, we've both been there, the feeling of sourness from the weight of the crushed dreams we used to have together.

And it isn't as though you don't have your good points, driving that long road between Waco and Austin in the spring, the deep smell of cut grass, the air just the right temperature, just the right humidity, lights behind you from the town you left, the expectation of the city in front of you just a dream in the future, the world seems open and full of possibilities. Because you can't hate without the love that preceded it, right?

Or headed east on 10 through all those miles of small towns on that long highway, the moon low in the sky, Marshall in front of you, virtually all of the state behind you, and knowing you want to pull up in Marshall because Shreveport is such a shit show.

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And then I remembered why I fell in love with you. Because I thought you loved me...

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I think you're right, the back and forth would make an excellent spoken word.

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Lone star living up to it's name!

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Mar 11, 2023Liked by R. H. Snow

The quintessential surprise!

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Damn, girl!

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Jan 26Liked by R. H. Snow

Pls no leave, the rest of us really need you and the feds are abusive to the rest of us too, we need to stand together. The moment anything kicks off the whole world will see how much people prefer Texas to DC.

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You're coming with me💖

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I don't know if I should be laughing or crying. That was breathtakingly good.

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Thank you 💖 I laughed and cried when I wrote, so both are acceptable.

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