Negative Reviews lead us to Readers who love us - if we are willing to take the pain
If you write, wear your Heart on your sleeve - then prepare for your Heart to get stomped. Rejoice! You touched a nerve, you jiggled a soul... or in my case, I pointed out the difference between Men and Women.
In writing WATCHER of the DAMNED, I deal in Revolution and Romance - and the two intermingle thoughout the series. Subplot Romances drive the action in a sweeping Game of Thrones style Epic set in near-future Texas with Battle, Blasters and Bullets meeting Badasses, Babes and BBQ. But according to certain pundits, that combo may be just a little too radical for some 'sensitive' readers, so I decided to go full Elvis and do it My Way. A Veteran of the Cancel Culture war, I decided to go full Indie with my publishing options, for I already knew WATCHER of the DAMNED would be considered too 'gung ho' and 'macho' for the navel-gazing literati that populate the publishing world. I was fully prepared for the backlash when it came to my Heroes overthrowing oppressive Global Corporate Oligarchies - I was not prepared for people to say that the word 'Fertile' was 'yikes', then DNF the story based on that one word alone. The offending phrase where it resided? "The plump, fertile, life-giving creatures once known as Women." Certain Judges said they were made so uncomfortable by the word fertile, they DNF'd the book in the first chapter, then gave it a very public and negative full review, proclaiming it was brimming with toxic masculinity. Remarkably, it was an entertaining and well-written review, despite the reviewer's hostility to fertility, so I used that negative review to market my book: "Too Macho for Contests!" I embraced the negativity, and found my Readers - and they found me. Nonetheless, I was truly hurt at first, because infertility and miscarriage are a part of so many lives right now - then I realised; we have to talk about it. We have to write what we know, and I know what it's like to weep for the lost child. So between all the fist-fights and chupacabra wrasslin' and gunbattles, I wove the experience into my Heroine's - and her Hero's - story. Amidst all the Revolution and Freedom Fighting, a deeper battle emerged: the right for Men and Women to exist as they are, as two different sexes, and as procreative beings. The longing for Love, Family and Home is a manifestation of the longing for Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. For some, happiness is a blazing gun; for others, it's a babe in arms... and for our Heroes in WATCHER of the DAMNED, it is the Freedom to strive for it all. Although I am not a 'mainstream' Author, my readers have embraced the series with open arms and genuine enthusiasm. Many have even reached out to me in private messages, speaking of the heartache and joy that came in reading of the struggle for love and family, and the right to be themselves as Man and Woman. I thank God for the still small voice that led me to write the Story as it has been given to me, and now I encourage you to do the same. Write the story you were meant to write, and do not hold back; let it flow, let it live - then get your Heart stomped. For every loud dissent to your story, there will be ten quiet readers who clasp it to their heart in wonder, lost in the story you gave them... write boldly, and get ready to get your Heart stomped. You'll be glad you did.💖
Oh no! I’m sorry someone stomped your heart, and thank you for the warning to expect a good stomp. To me, the best writers are those who expose their inner essence, their souls. The veneer is removed, and sometimes when you speak from beneath that veil, the truth of exposure is too much to bear. “ And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God” Romans 8:28
You go girl! 👏✨💖🤗
Well... you can't fix stupid.
Anywho who reviews a book (or any form of media) through the lens of wokery, critical race notions, DEI-sores, or political contemptness just doesn't deserve books. They should put them down and go focus on painting up more antifa signs or gheys for jihad posters.
The fact that you CORRECTLY separate the biological sexes in your novels is both Accurate and Refreshing.
Thank you for writing from Your heart, and writing your story honestly the way you wanted it.
God bless you, amiga.
And God bless Texas.