Oh no! I’m sorry someone stomped your heart, and thank you for the warning to expect a good stomp. To me, the best writers are those who expose their inner essence, their souls. The veneer is removed, and sometimes when you speak from beneath that veil, the truth of exposure is too much to bear. “ And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God” Romans 8:28

You go girl! 👏✨💖🤗

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Noooo Charlotte no one can stomp you 💖😭💖you are Unstompable

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Well... you can't fix stupid.

Anywho who reviews a book (or any form of media) through the lens of wokery, critical race notions, DEI-sores, or political contemptness just doesn't deserve books. They should put them down and go focus on painting up more antifa signs or gheys for jihad posters.

The fact that you CORRECTLY separate the biological sexes in your novels is both Accurate and Refreshing.

Thank you for writing from Your heart, and writing your story honestly the way you wanted it.

God bless you, amiga.

And God bless Texas.

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Thank you Mac - you are an absolute treasure and I appreciate the kindness and support you always give me!

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There are no greater differences than those between Saul Azarian (The Watcher) and Rose. He's testosterone personified, and she's everyman's porcelain goddess. He is death to her life and hard to her softness.

Just like Hades, he will kill anyone that gets between him and his Persephone. She is his light even though she wants to fight.

He is her cannon, and she's his yellow rose.

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OMGosh Joseph - this is POETRY💖may I share it?

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Writing boldly and jiggling souls. Sounds like the right way to live!

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