Not sure. Been here for eleven years, now. Been trying to convince the wife we need to head South (TX, NM, NC, AZ, AR, or TN). I figure one more monster arctic blizzard should do it.
Wyoming is still possible, too, but that ain't much better for cold and snow... just a whole lot prettier.
Weee. Your getting what we had yesterday and last night. Left us with 8 inches of pretty white stuff. I talked to my son in Alaska yesterday and told him to come get his cold weather. It's making a mess in the front yard, it is 12 degrees here today. Keep the fire going it's gonna get cold. You look so snug and cozy in your wunderbunker. Give the puppies pets.
It's been in the -20s and -30s in North Texas (North Dakota) for two weeks. I'd kill for a balmy 20 degrees. lol
My mother was born in North Dakota and raised there. She couldn’t stop talking about the cold! ❄️🥶
Holy Cow, Mac - are you permant up there, or working the 'play?
Not sure. Been here for eleven years, now. Been trying to convince the wife we need to head South (TX, NM, NC, AZ, AR, or TN). I figure one more monster arctic blizzard should do it.
Wyoming is still possible, too, but that ain't much better for cold and snow... just a whole lot prettier.
It’s 70 degrees here in my neighborhood in California! Beautiful day, but too warm for the agriculture for this time of year.
But it is sooooo beautiful!
Cap'n, Watcher is being cheerful again.
My cheer is keeping me warm🥰
R.H., I'm just west of Fort Worth and this...this is just not right. The ONLY thing good about this is starting - and keeping - a fire going. - Jim
Dude for REAL it's a brutal cold wind🥶but a fire makes everything better 💖🥹🔥
Weee. Your getting what we had yesterday and last night. Left us with 8 inches of pretty white stuff. I talked to my son in Alaska yesterday and told him to come get his cold weather. It's making a mess in the front yard, it is 12 degrees here today. Keep the fire going it's gonna get cold. You look so snug and cozy in your wunderbunker. Give the puppies pets.
BRRRRRRRR oh Gran, stay warm!
Aw, you southerners are so cute!