

Past and Present music weave a Living Tapestry - and a new Life joins the song💖 Sound is terrible😭but I was bawling all the way thru so... YOLO YOLO

The Song of Life that lingers in ancient melody
is flowing through our fingers, in a rhapsody;
you and I are weaving a living tapestry,
Hearts and Souls conceiving in our Family...

Though ages turn to ashes and lie beneath the  sod,
the Heart that loved still flashes within the Eyes  of God;
and all of us together -who was, and who will be-
are living on forever in our Family.

I wrote this song with my Daughter, 27 years ago, when I found out I was pregnant with my Son - and I learned my Father was dying of Cancer.

Ten more times I would sing it; One time, on the Day of my Son's birth, also the Day I laid my Father to rest - 

three more times  for three little lives, never to be born...

five more times, for five little Grandchildren I have never yet met...

Each time, each little life would end before 8 weeks. Each time, we sang it for the ones we could not hold, except in our hearts...

and today, the Tenth time, I sang it for my Son and his Wife's yet unborn Baby. The piano is old, and so am I, but the Song of Life remains the same. Welcome, welcome, Little One; you are in the company of Angels.

18 weeks. We are 18 weeks alive -

and God is Good.💖