When people say, “DON’T LOOK,” they mean it.
I wrote the last few words of my latest and greatest manuscript with a sense of immense satisfaction. My Sci-Fi Western Romance series is doing well, and I am excited by accolades from readers; nothing is as gratifying as hearing from a reader who loves my story. They made me happy, so I wrote them yet another installment; then I basked in the glow of work well done. How to celebrate?
Some writers open a bottle of bubbly; others chart a cruise. But me, being practical and needing to be on duty later, I headed over to the socials to fry my brain.
Immediately I was inundated by an overwhelming writerly deluge. Thoughts on writing, publishing, printing and succeeding rolled off the pages, a storm of experiences and ideas. But as I perused the day’s offerings, one thread stood out:
“Don’t expect success in numbers unless you’re writing Erotic Fan Fic.”
“Don’t look at the numbers, unless you want to be discouraged.”
“Just say no.”
Knowing full well I should not look up this term, I looked up the term, because that is what I do. After that I looked up the numbers, because I possess a rebel soul…
I can see why some people get discouraged.
The prospect of writing intriguing, engaging literature only to see it buried beneath a landslide of smut can be daunting; far be it from me, however, to slut-shame erotica. Indeed, if I compare my sales to that of Sparkling Sex Succubus Stories (hereafter known as 4S) or Vampy Vivacious Vampire Vixens (hereafter known as 4V) or even the much celebrated Whimsical Wild Werewolf Women (hereafter known as 4W) then I would certainly be disappointed…
It would be the equivalent of a Perky Pudgy Personality Pixie (hereafter known as R. H. Snow) comparing herself to any Sultry Sexy Steamy Stripper (hereafter known as Satan). It just isn’t done without tears. No matter how much you love yourself or your work, comparing it to anything that gets millions tucked into its metaphorical g-string will result in extreme self-doubt.
I, however, have a plan.
Now, as any of you who have read the book know, WATCHER of the DAMNED is a Sci-Fi Western ROMANCE. When not dealing in deathrays, villainy and chupacabras, it is chock full of sexual tension and romantic interludes. It does, however, attempt to remain PG-13; it is an Adult Series written for the Ages…
it is also written under my real name.
This is the downside of writing under one’s own name - by plastering one’s real name on it, one allows one’s family to read it. They in turn pass it to dear Gran-Gran, the Cousins, the Church, the local Library, so proud that sweet little Mom is writing; their innocent little faces look through the pages, and the local News Paper comes around -
this makes it very hard to write the truly steamy scenes that sell so well in this Current Age. This also demands a confession: I am actually quite accomplished at writing Erotica.
Oh the torment, that no one may ever know it was me!
In another place and time, I garnered praise and sizable views written under a nom-de-plume for Exceedingly Excellent Erudite Erotica, (hereafter known as 4E). My foray into 4E is best described as ‘Trad-Christian Erotic Fable’ combined with ‘The Author’s Kink Disguised as Fiction’. This resulted in a parable so heart-felt, so touching, that many women who contacted me told me it helped save their marriage. It also resulted in attention from notable readers…
in a fit of embarrassment, I immediately deleted my Erotica Story for fear that someone, somewhere would know it was me.
But now, upon seeing this enormous attention devoted to sometimes very badly written smut, to the tune of millions, it makes me wonder…
how can I cash in?
Wait, I mean:
how can hone my hidden craft? That sounds better. There is only one answer:
I must write my own Erotic Fan Fiction.
This is doable. I will simply change my name to something infinitely sexier than my own name, then create a Kindle Vella devoted to fan fic for “WATCHER of the DAMNED”, then proceed to ship the ever-loving steaminess out of my own characters. I can post it all in blessed anonymity, then have my self-publishing self ask myself if can I self-publish myself writing fan fic for my own fic.
Naw, it’ll never work…
Forget I ever said anything.
I mean it
Have to say you're a sexy gal and I love it.
There's also the option of writing intriguing, engaging smut. It takes skill, but it can be done!